Shopping in Lazada

Friday, June 18, 2010

Walk one step see one step….
Mr Loso come out loso again….Long long time ago before Mr Loso turn into Loso Teacher…I use to dream driving BMW, Mercedes, Sport car and bla bla bla…

These are what I called car...........

Now I end up driving Proton Saga which I last time name it 笨蛋傻瓜 or it means stupid egg dumb melon ……!@#$%^&*

Living in big house and no worry for $$$....In fact now I everyday need to save $$$, safe safe spend so that I not pokai end of the month…Pay my poor car spend almost half my pay, not to say the car I dream of….Haha…..Why different so much from dream one?
Feel much better after loso out....Haha


  1. Oh least you have a car..or u want to walk to sch?

  2. 25km le...Want me to train for marathon? Haha....
