Shopping in Lazada

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The result of Sarawak Election 2011....

Well, like what I expected, BN again won the election by 55 seats. However, I believe this will create awareness among BN leaders that Sarawak people especially those in town want some changes when 12 DAP, 3 PKR and 1 individual won. The previous Sarawak election on 2006 only had half of them won and 308 already can happened. So, imagine now opposition are able to attract double Sarawakian to change, I am pretty sure BN is now terrifying.....Haha.

Look at some of these video:

Kuching: Estimate 30k shown up although raining and no free food or any stuff.

DAP leader talked till voice also hard to come out....

Its very clear that most people want some changes...

Lets wait and see what happen in the national election if it is going to happen this year.

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